Escaping the Digital Gulag

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Recent saturation of the entire news media with border crises, such as the Israel-Gaza war, the influx of Hispanic migrants into America, and the European migrant crisis, has drawn public attention. Border patrol agents cutting razor wire to allow migrants to enter sounds like a bad comedy. People are actively taking sides, whether they support “pro-Israel” or “pro-Hamas,” “open-borders” or ” kick out the migrants.” It almost seems like the Hegelian dialectic at play… a problem, which riles up a reaction, followed by a cure “to save the day”.

Border guards doing what they always do… cutting border fences.

So, what will that “treatment” be?

Not long ago, I came across two informative videos by James Corbett and Truthstream Media. They delve into great detail to elucidate how the ongoing border situation is being manipulated to promote the concept of a biosecurity state, albeit with a different approach. This scheme is tailored for those who resisted the imposition of unconstitutional health certificates during the COVID pandemic; now, they are the ones who might find themselves advocating for a biometric ID to facilitate cross-border movements.

Joe Biden, who based his campaign on the promise of no additional border wall construction during his administration, has suddenly granted waivers for 26 federal laws in South Texas, allowing for the erection of approximately 20 miles of supplementary border wall. This has been made possible by utilizing funds from Trump’s executive order, which was originally intended for his “travel ban.”

Buried within the details of Trump’s well-known Executive Order titled “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States” (Section 8) is a provision for the implementation of a biometric entry-exit tracking system, affecting all individuals entering and leaving the United States. This despotic desire to implement a biosecurity border protection system goes all the way back to Trump’s golfing buddy President Clinton, who in 1996 signed the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act into law, which mandated the inclusion of a biometric identifier at the country’s borders.

“That means the U.S. government would have to install equipment that would either fingerprint or iris scans on everyone entering and leaving the United States”- Collins

This development coincides with a recent announcement from the European Union, stating that starting in January 2024, American citizens visiting the European Union will face the same intrusive biosecurity checkpoints they had imposed on foreign visitors at their own borders. Amidst the plethora of orchestrated border crises, ongoing conflicts, and media distractions, the WHO Pandemic Treaty has quietly emerged, set to usher in a global digital health certificate.

If the average person fails to recognize the significant concerns and consequences associated with such a system, which we appear to be sleepwalking into, then I shall offer guidance to those who wish to take action.

As my favorite saying goes: what is the solution?

To begin, there is no single solution, but rather a comprehensive approach that revolves around one key principle: the willingness to adapt and relocate.

Just as Eastern European migrants who left their homelands before the Soviets arrived in 1944 were spared five decades of oppression, individuals today can choose to move to safer, less oppressive regions, although these places are likely to be outside the developed world. If you’re one of the patriots who wishes to stand firm in your homeland, then more power to you. This article is geared towards those who are willing to seek out places that offer them the most favorable treatment.

From both a geopolitical and historical standpoint, Latin America emerges as an optimal destination. Over the past century, not a single world war has unfolded in this region. In World War II, for instance, Brazil stands as the only South American nation on the list of casualties, with a total of 2,000. While domestic conflicts and coups have occurred and continue in the continent, such as Colombia’s 60-year civil war that started in 1964, you may not hear much about them when wandering the streets of cities like Medellin or Bogota, except perhaps through the radio during a taxi ride.

Take Mexico, for example. It has been entangled in a drug war since 2006 and ranks high on standard corruption scales. Many residents in major cities like Mexico City and Guadalajara can attest that COVID lockdowns were enforced. Yet, during my three-month stay in San Cristobal de las Casas, a colonial town in the southern border state of Chiapas, I found that the Tzotzil population continued with their daily lives, lockdowns or not. Given that a significant portion of their population participates in the “informal economy”, government stimulus wasn’t even offered. Chiapas was labeled a high-risk state for COVID infections by the central government. However, once officials in Mexico City realized that restaurants, grocery stores, industries, and tourism didn’t follow their shutdown orders, they promptly changed their assessment to “safe.

In essence, two pivotal factors define Ibero- America: strong community bonds and a relaxed approach to rule enforcement.

Many local police officers genuinely desire to know their neighbors and build relationships with them, rather than displaying a Napoleonic complex. As an anecdote, I even engaged in calisthenics workouts with a local police officer during my stay in Chiapas, and he was eager to assist my family and me. Such an attitude is seldom found in Europe or the United States. A good tip for any place is to always know your local “copper”.

Undoubtedly, there are numerous law enforcement officials in Central & South America who view their role as an opportunity for extortion and accepting bribes. In response, one might argue that at least down there the average person can afford the corruption. Don’t tell me that politicians in first-world nations, like maskless Gavin Newsom or Neil Ferguson, breaking his own lockdown rules to meet his lover, have nothing to do with corrupt practices and knowing the right people. It’s simply a cost difference. Instead of shelling out thousands in kickbacks, the unscrupulous Latin American officers engage in similar activities for significantly less.

In Hispanic countries, rules are often regarded more as “suggestions,” and even when they are strictly enforced, there are typically ways to find alternatives. If you’re concerned about strict lockdowns, not only in the Southern Hemisphere but in any city, consider this pragmatic approach: open up a micro-business in photography. As a photographer, your job consists of going around and taking pictures… of whatever chosen by you or your “clients”, be it a bus stop, local park trees, or downtown buildings. As long as you’re carrying around a camera, you can justify your presence to authorities and go about your activities. This tactic, which worked during the COVID pandemic in France, can prove effective in Latin America and other developed nations as well.

One notable advantage of The Americas is their rich ethnic diversity. When choosing a new place to live, it’s wise to select a country where your appearance allows you to blend in with the locals, providing that you follow the dress code and local mannerisms. While in public, as long as you don’t speak with an accent in the local language, natives won’t easily recognize you as an outsider. While this might touch on the sensitive issue of skin color, it’s an essential point to consider.

Regardless of your ethnicity—whether you’re white, black, brown, Asian, or Arabic—moving to developing countries often leads to the assumption that you’re wealthy. Being perceived as a well-off foreigner can attract unwanted attention, potentially leading to issues like robbery, theft, or extortion.

While this is an unfortunate reality, you can easily reduce your risk by avoiding standing out to unscrupulous individuals. For instance, if you’re white, you may stand out more in Bolivia but blend in better in countries like Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, or Brazil. There’s a historical reason why Nazi ratlines chose these locations during World War II. Arabic individuals might find Mexico, Colombia, or Ecuador more suitable, given the prevalence of darker skin complexions in these countries. People of African descent might feel more at home in regions with a significant Afro-Latino population. Southeast Asian individuals often share similarities with indigenous populations, making Mexico, Peru, and Ecuador appealing choices.

The ethnic diversity makes it easy for foreigners to blend into a crowd seamlessly.

Lastly, Central & South American economies can be summarized as follows: cash is king. Many of these countries have some of the highest rates of unbanked populations globally. For example, as of 2021, 54% of Colombians, 57% of Peruvians, and 63% of Mexicans lacked a bank account. While countries like China, Russia, and the European Union explore Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), Ibero-America still predominantly relies on paper currency and coins. Although Latin America may adopt CBDCs in the future, it contradicts their culture of navigating rules and regulations and will be difficult to implement.

Now, let’s address the main pushback on everyone’s mind: how can one navigate visa restrictions to stay in these places?

For those with more financial resources, this is easier to mitigate. One avenue to consider is acquiring a second passport, or delving into residency programs that may ultimately lead to citizenship. For instance, in Panama, a $300,000 investment in real estate can grant you permanent residency in just about a month, with the sole requirement being a visit to the country every two years. Similarly, Mexico offers permanent residency to anyone who can demonstrate a savings bank balance of $220,000 over the past 12 months.

But what about average middle-class professionals?

The good news is that there are options available, but they require more effort. Paraguay, for example, offers free temporary residency that can be extended to permanent residency after two years, though it does involve several trips to the country. The government technically allows dual citizenship for Spanish and Italian citizens, but note that it requires at least three trips to the country to be eligible for citizenship, so it’s not exactly a “free” option. Other countries like Costa Rica provide temporary residency with proof of a $2,500 monthly salary for the past year, and permanent residency can be obtained after five years. You can technically obtain a passport after seven years, provided you stay in the country for more than 183 days each of those seven years.

There are other, more complex strategies one can use for free, such as continuously moving from one country to another every six months, spending six months in Peru and then six months in Ecuador, for example. If you enter Colombia in July, you can legally stay in the country for an entire year. However, these approaches require a highly flexible lifestyle and can still consume both time and money. For a smoother experience, I would actually recommend considering digital nomad visa options, which are available in many Latin countries.

Personally, the most appealing option for obtaining residency without having to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars is Ecuador’s investor visa program, which currently requires a minimum investment of $31,500, including real estate. It’s important to note that in the Latin American property market, most transactions are completed with upfront cash payments. Few people opt for loans or mortgages to buy houses due to high interest rates, which is one of the reasons property bubbles, so common in Europe or the United States, are less prevalent in Latin countries.

For the amount mentioned, it’s quite feasible to find a “finca” (a farm in Spanish) where you can grow your own food and lead a life away from the bustling cities. After all, one of the key aspects of escaping the biosecurity state is achieving self-sufficiency. What’s noteworthy is that you don’t even need to remain in the country after making the investment to secure permanent residency in three years, and you can apply for citizenship after four.

Fincas are a common investment for middle-class families in Latin America.

In conclusion, it’s crucial to remember that there’s usually a well-known solution to every human problem. While many European, Asian, and American countries appear to be veering towards more restrictive governance, certain countries worldwide, once under the yoke of strict dictatorships, have propelled their populations to a point where they’ve developed a heightened awareness of the perils of government overreach. The prior communist administrations and military juntas in these nations have contributed to fostering this awareness.

It doesn’t mean that the aforementioned programs and strategies will work forever. The key takeaway from this article is that developed nations are likely to increase their control over their populations, and establishing a community bank or engaging in “cash days” won’t address the underlying monetary reset issue. Instead of resisting the current trends, consider whether you and your loved ones might be better off living in a culture that isn’t overly regulated, values community and family time, and has abundant food production and water sources.

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